Alessandro CERINO




Musical Director


The Italian multi-instrumentalist virtuoso, (each of his concerts features at least 6 different wind instruments ) grew as an incredible Jazz player to finally land into Classical and Contemporary music.


Music lovers appreciate its sophisticated musical approach that inevitably reaches any audience enchanted also by his vivid presence on stage comparable to the one of a leading actor 

CERINO's music universe

Concert to the Moon

performed by

Milan Symphonic Orchestra Giuseppe Verdi


conducted by Alessandro Cerino


 Singer Daniela Panetta

Violinist Luca Santaniello

Percussions Elio Marchesini

50 years after the Apollo 11 space mission that brought the first men to the moon, this program offers the most beautiful music dedicated to the planet that has always inspired many artists of all times,              


arranged by Alessandro Cerino


Also Sprach Zarathustra, by R.Strauss;

Fly me to the moon, by Brandon Howard; How High the moon, by M. Lewis – N. Hamilton;

Ludwig Mund, by Alessandro Cerino – Daniela Panetta;

Moonlight serenade by G, Miller – M. Parish;

Luna caprese, by A. Cesareo – L. Ricciardi:

Violin concerto n.3 Flight to the moon, by Alessandro Cerino;

Apollo 13 by J. R. Horner;

Moon river, by J. Mercer – H. Mancini;

and a final … surprise ending! 

The Colors of Seasons

Vivaldi's Four Seasons revised by Cerino's Crescendo Jazz Band  

Orchestral work for

a Rhythm section: Piano, Drums Double Bass 

and an ensemble of eight Strings 

that will change instruments at any Season, with the classical music regaining the spirit of improvisation that from the mid-eighteenth century has been lost.  


Antonio Vivaldi baroque masterpiece of strings is reimagined by an orchestral work of jazz musicians of excellence. 


They Rhythm section (Piano, Drums, Double Bass) alongside an ensemble of eight Strings that change instruments at any Season.


The classical music finally regains the spirit of improvisation that from the mid-eighteenth century has been lost.

Secondo me NAPOLI

Popular and cultured neapolitan music explained and rearranged 

for symphonic orchestra 

plus a jazz quintet

plus2 actor-singers


a famous neapolitan cultural expert. 







Once upon many times.. Jazz!

History of Jazz narrated and played by Cerino with 6 different music ensembles


Educational and entertaining 

The musical path take into consideration several aspects of what Jazz and its history is mainly made of.


Partendo dalle origini del New Orleans e del Dixieland nel 1850, l’evento passa in rassegna tutte le tappe fondamentali del genere musicale più nobile di tutti, articolandosi in sei diversi concerti tematici.


Passando dal Be Bop di Charlie Parker ai fraseggi di John Coltrane, il viaggio proseguirà nell’arco temporale del Novecento fino ad arrivare ai tempi nostri. Nessuna sfumatura e nessun protagonista verrà escluso dal ricco programma, che coinvolgerà alcuni dei jazzisti italiani più rispettati anche in ambito estero.

– “Le origini del jazz”

– “Bird, un volo verso l’infinito” 

– “Trane, un treno verso l’infinito” 

– “In principio era la voce” 

– “… e il samba sbarcò in USA” 

– “… e oggi?”



150 Anni di ITALIA

Italy's music history since its formation in 1868

A land that produced so much important music, classical and popular for a wider audience, they both take a new life with the sophisticated arrangements of CERINO

Ampio Respiro

Only two, but both great Artists, to unleash all the possible colors, intensity,

The many layers of Daniela Panetta's incredible voice meet Cerino's roster of many wind iinstruments

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© Cirque of Life srls, Via delle Gardenie 5, 20147 Milano ITALY IVA/VAT 10012700968